Protect Sea Turtles, Whales and Other Wildlife: Stop Dangerous Oil and Gas Drilling Off the Atlantic Coast

President Trump just signed an executive order reversing the Obama administration's ban on dangerous offshore oil and gas drilling in the Arctic and ordering a review of possible new drilling sites off the Atlantic Coast. It’s a backwards-looking plan that could do major damage to the environment.

Offshore drilling operations often use seismic testing to find drilling sites, emitting massive sound blasts that wreak havoc with already-imperiled whales, sea turtles, dolphins, and other marine life. More drilling would also increase the risk of deadly oil spills that can poison the water and hurt its wildlife.

Speak out now for sea turtles, whales, dolphins, and other wildlife. Tell the US Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke that you OPPOSE new oil and gas drilling off our Atlantic Coast.

Subject: Stop new oil and gas drilling off the Atlantic Coast
Secretary Zinke:

As someone who cares deeply about America’s coastal wildlife and the future of the planet, I write today in opposition to the president's executive order to open waters in the Arctic to dangerous offshore oil and gas drilling and to review possible new drilling sites off the Atlantic Coast.

Offshore drilling operations often use seismic testing to find drilling sites, emitting massive sound blasts that wreak havoc with already-imperiled whales, sea turtles, dolphins, and other marine life. More drilling would also increase the risk of deadly oil spills that can poison the water and hurt its wildlife.

Beyond those immediate concerns, I am also concerned that expanded offshore drilling will only prolong our country’s dependence on fossil fuels at the expense of our urgent need to transition to newer, less environmentally destructive energy sources such as solar and wind.

For each of these reasons, I ask that your agency register my opposition to proposals for new offshore drilling in the Arctic and off the US’s Atlantic Coast.

Thank you for considering my comments.