Protect the rarest gray wolves in America

Re: Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2021-0103

With only 186 individuals left, the Mexican gray wolf, or lobo, is the rarest subspecies of gray wolf in America. These amazing animals need strong protections to support their recovery and allow them to thrive for generations to come.

I support a Mexican gray wolf management plan that provides robust protection for these endangered animals. An ideal plan would remove restrictions on wolves leaving the designated population area and include provisions to closely monitor the genetic health of the wild lobos. However, I support the proposed plan for its many benefits: It lifts the population cap on wild lobos, and restricts the forms of allowable take. Without an artificial ceiling on the number of wild lobos that will be allowed to exist, the population will have a much better chance to recover.

I urge you to enact the strongest possible set of protections for endangered Mexican gray wolves.