Write a Letter to the Editor for Wolves

The Interior Department recently announced that they plan to remove wolves from the Endangered Species List. This move could be a death sentence for our nation's wild, wonderful wolves. It wasn't that long ago that they were nearly hunted to extinction.

To save them, we need to speak up for wolves in every way we can -- including local newspapers. Writing a letter to the editor is easy:

- Your personal words matter most. Personalize your letter with your unique perspective, experience and knowledge to have the greatest impact.

- Your letter can be brief. Most newspapers will accept letters up to 150 words in length.

- We've provided some talking points to get you thinking. You can add these to your letter by clicking on them.

- Please let us know if your letter gets published by sending it to feedback@environmentalaction.org.

Use the tool below to get started, or submit your letter through your local newspaper's website.

Step 1 - Select a Recipient

Pick a local newspaper, we'll provide some pointers to help you write your letter.

Look for papers within miles of zip code

Step 2 - Write your message

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